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    Robotics, Nap, 80s Music Videos, Tribute

    By Derek | February 22, 2020

    A great Saturday. (22nd) 

    We attended a robotics competition today, and our middle school team got third place overall! 

    We were there most of the day, when we came home, we were exhausted, and ended up taking about a 3 hour nap. 

    After we woke up, we watched about 3 hours of 80s videos on Apple Music on our Apple TV. We ended up reading up on Wikipedia about a ton of our favorite 80s bands, and discovered the Nashville Outlaws, a Motley Crue tribute album. If you like either 80s metal, or country music, give it a whirl. It’s definitely interesting.  

    (Visited 33 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Health, Me, Music, Robotics, Technology | No Comments »


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