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    Sleep, Customer, Regionals Invite, Martial Arts, Dog Food

    By Derek | February 25, 2020

    A good Tuesday. (25th) 

    Since I was still exhausted, Jill let me sleep late. She had to get up and take our daughter-in-law to an interview. She’s got several interviews this week, which is great. 

    When I woke up, I had missed a call from my customer I visited yesterday. She needed me to come back and work some more on her system. She’s preparing to migrate email providers and we’re getting her all set up for it. Spent a couple of hours working on it, but more to be done next week. 

    Got back home in time to meet a new family that is interested in our robotics program. 

    We had robotics today, and we waited until everyone was here to tell them that both the elementary and middle school teams were invited to compete at regionals, in Hutto, TX, next month. Exciting news, we had just gotten the emails earlier in the day. 

    So, the kids worked on their robots, and us adults planned out the next few weeks, and discussed logistics for the competition. 

    After robotics, we took our younger son to martial arts, and dropped him off, so that we could go pick up some dog food. The only place that sells it locally is Tractor Supply. We tried ordering it on Amazon once, and it came full of bugs. Ew. 

    We picked him up, and went to take our older son to work, then came home and had leftovers for dinner. 

    After we took our older son home from work, we came home, and I got to exercise. I hadn’t gotten to this morning. We watched some Phineas and Ferb while I exercised, then got ready for bed. 

    (Visited 41 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Health, Me, Robotics, Technology, TV | No Comments »


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