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    Slept, Library, Dog, Pokemon, Movies

    By Derek | March 8, 2020

    Sunday. (8th) 

    Slept until almost noon (nearly 11 hours). Felt good when I got up, though. Exercised first thing, then got ready to take our older son and his wife driving. 

    Drove to the library to return some stuff, and our older son texted me and cancelled their driving lessons. Which was good, because apparently our dog (Athena) got partially under our fence and hurt our neighbors dog. 

    I hurried home so we could go over there and talk to them. We’re on good terms with most of our neighbors, or at least we were, so we offered our apologies and offered to take care of the vet bill. Hopefully that will help out. 

    We also ordered Athena a shock collar, we really need to get her “aggressive to other dogs” behavior under control. It seems to be getting worse. 

    Left the house to run some errands, and ended up playing some Pokémon with our friends from the BBQ joint. We drove around with them for a few hours. 

    Got home and went back to talk to the neighbors, they told us what the vet said, so we’ll be taking care of their bill. 

    We left to take our older son to work, then came home and watched a movie with Jill. First Wives Club, I had never seen it. 

    After that was over, we went to pick up our older son from work, then came home and watched Fate of the Furious before bed. 

    (Visited 27 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Friends, Games, Health, Me, Movies | No Comments »


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