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    Work, Mandatory WFH, Emergency, Games

    By Derek | March 13, 2020

    Friday the 13th. 

    Regular work day for me, from the office, this time. 

    Of course, Rackspace announced that Monday, we’re starting pretty much mandatory work from home.

    San Antonio announced that Fiesta was postponed, and Trump called a national state of emergency. 

    Jill went to Whole Foods, she said it wasn’t too bad.

    Got home and helped Jill with the groceries, then we ate dinner. 

    Played a little MW:CoD:Warzone — just the tutorial sections. I _think_ I did ok in the Battle Royale tutorial, it let me win. 

    Once that was done, I ended up playing Doom(2016) for a bit. I bought it a few weeks ago, and hadn’t tried it yet. I just needed something super fun and super fast paced. 

    (Visited 26 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Games, Me, Work | No Comments »


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