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    Health, Work, New Things

    By Derek | March 18, 2020

    A busy Wednesday. (18th)

    Got up and exercised first thing.

    “Went” to work. Of course, I’m working from home, so there’s that.

    Found out that one of our most talented engineers is leaving for another opportunity. That leaves some opportunity open for myself and another guy on my team, though. We spent the day learning and deploying our product. I’ve been involved in the deploy process in the past, but only in a support / monitoring role.

    This time, my counterpart and I were actually performing the deployment. The documentation is very good, but even still, as we were both first timers, we did some make a few small enhancements to both the process and the documentation.

    As we have six data centers to deploy to, and run “regression” tests in, it pretty much took all day. We started at 11am today, and finished about 1am in the morning.

    Time for bed.

    (Visited 37 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Health, Linux, Me, Technology, Work | No Comments »


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