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    Work, BBQ, Pandemic, TV

    By Derek | March 19, 2020

    A good Thursday. (19th)

    Regular work day for me. Still learning tons of new things from our engineer that’s departing.

    Jill brought us BBQ potatoes fro our favorite BBQ place. They’re still open, fortunately. The governor (Abbot) has closed down eat-in places, for now, but takeout or drive through is still an option. I hope this panic doesn’t kill 90% of the small businesses. Tons of people can’t work right now. Stores are crazy. This is really the first time I’ve mentioned all of this publicly, but we feel for the most part that we are prepared. We’ve been discussing options with family and friends.

    Stay safe.

    Watched an episode of Star Trek Picard. We missed last week, so we’re a week behind. Probably for the best, as this week’s episode is a Part 1. I’m guessing next week will be the season finale, so we’ll watch both of them together.

    Bed time.

    (Visited 31 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Health, Me, TV, Work | No Comments »


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