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    Work, Solar, No Python, Training, Movie

    By Derek | April 1, 2020

    April Fools Day. (1st) 

    Regular work day for me. Got up at a good time, and got my exercise done.

    Our solar panel got delivered today, sweet! Suaoki 100W Foldable Solar Panel. I can’t wait to go outside to test it out.

    Had to cancel our second Python Meetup in a row. Of course, this is something I volunteer for the community, so there isn’t any lost revenue, or anything. It’s just a bummer. 

    Worked through some migration training for an upcoming container migration on my primary product. 

    Watched Bad Boys.

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Health, Home Improvement, Me, Movies, Photos, Technology, Work | No Comments »


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