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    Work, Health, Engineering, Red Belt, Pokemon

    By Derek | April 2, 2020

    A good Thursday. (2nd)

    Regular work day for me. Morning exercise to start strong. 

    Feeling kind of blah the last few days. We need to get out more, except we’re not supposed to. 

    My work has offered a free PTO (personal time off) day, that won’t count against my time off. I scheduled it for next Wednesday (which will extend my weekend by a day). 

    Got a few things done, though, good work today. I’m transitioning more to an engineering role, so I’m still moving pretty slowly, and learning a lot. 

    Our younger son had his martial arts class over Zoom again. They had testing today, and his teacher said he did about the beat he’s ever done on one of his tests. He moved up to red belt! 

    After I got off work, we left to take our older son to work. It’s his Friday, so we won’t have to do that again until Sunday. We played a little bit of Pokémon while we were out. 

    (Visited 36 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Family, Health, Me, Work | No Comments »


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