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    Slept, iPad, Lasagna, Star Citizen

    By Derek | April 5, 2020

    A great Sunday. (5th)

    Slept in a bit. Exercised first thing, though. 

    As noted yesterday, I helped my dad by a new iPad Pro. He forwarded me an article, quoted and linked here: 

    … there are nice Android tablets out there, and Amazon’s Kindle Fires are an incredible value and probably the best cheap content consumption devices you can get. But if you want the best tablet experience, you should really just get an iPad.


    Wow. That’s really high praise, especially coming from an Android-focused website.

    Went to our favorite BBQ place to pick up some home made lasagna from Joe.

    Also, made a quick trip to the gas station to put a few gallons on my car, since it was practically on empty.

    Came home and started cooking the lasagna.

    Found this cool “documentary” about an in-game Star Citizen event — yes, it’s fictional, but very well done. https://youtu.be/3V7GFDI7KqE (19m)

    Stayed up super late playing Star Citizen. I played with a couple of guys from my Org, and a new guy who’s just getting into the game.

    Become a Star Citizen and get 5,000 free Credits

    (Visited 71 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Apple, Entertainment, Family, Food, Games, Health, Me, Star Citizen, Technology | No Comments »


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