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Health, Camera, Herbs, Snacks, PS3
By Derek | April 6, 2020
A good Monday. (6th)
Got up really late, since I stayed up so late last night, but exercised first thing. Just read the news while I exercised, didn’t watch anything.
Got our package from WyzeCam today, I ordered a new camera, and set it up. Unfortunately, where the camera needed to mount, the wall plug is blocked by furniture. So, we needed to get a surge strip with a flat angled plug. Altex has a nice one with three AC outlets, and two USB outlets. I went in to get it.
We all went to Lowe’s after that, to get a shelf for Jill to have an inside the house place for herbs and plants. Of course, only she went into Lowe’s. She ordered some grow lights, they should be here within the next few days.
Also swung by a convenience (essential?) store to pick up some snacks. One thing I got was bean dip and hot cheetos. I don’t really care for hot cheetos, but they are good with bean dip.

Worked in my office cleaning, organizing and scanning documents.
Our niece left a PlayStation 3 here that wasn’t working. I cleaned it up, plugged it in and it seems to be working. I was able to add my PSN account to it. I’ve never owned a PlayStation, but made a PSN account a while back for something else. I think maybe to get a free game.
Topics: Family, Health, Home Improvement, Me, Photos, Technology | No Comments »
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