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    Work, Culture, Nachos, HHG, Health

    By Derek | April 9, 2020

    A good Thursday. (9th)

    Regular work day for me. Got up too late to exercise. 

    Got some good work done, but our team had a “Minecraft Server Culture Day” where we all logged onto a hosted server to play. We had probably 20 odd people logged on, including my younger son, and another Racker’s younger son. That was pretty fun, we played for around two hours. I think they mean to leave the server up for now, if we want to play some more. 

    Jill made taco nachos for lunch, super yummy. I watched a few Watch Later Youtube videos I had saved up.

    Also, some Rackers in one of our company “water coolor” channels was discussing Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I love that series, and thought the movie was pretty great too. Anyway, they were talking about their physical leather-bound collector’s volumes. I had to show mine off, too. (pic) 

    Douglas Adams, HHG

    After work, I helped a new customer via remote. She needed some help as she had about 100 extensions loaded in her Chrome Browser. Also, her internet is slow because she has HughesNet (satellite). Of course, she lives in the country, so she doesn’t have many options.

    Since I had to help her, I wasn’t able to run with Jill to drop our older son off at work, but I was nearly done by the time he was done with work.

    Once back from that, I was finally able to exercise. Pretty late, compared to usual, after 10pm. Watched an episode of Phineas and Serb with our younger son. 

    After that, I played Star Citizen for a bit, then off to bed. 

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    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Friends, Games, Health, Me, Microsoft, Photos, Star Citizen, Technology, TV, Work | No Comments »


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