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    Alarm, Work, TV, Weather, Movie

    By Derek | April 11, 2020

    A good Saturday. (11th)

    Regular work day for me. Of course, I forgot to set my alarm, so Jill woke me up a couple of minutes after 9am. I was logged on by 10 after — that whole WFH thingy — and ill stay a few minutes late on my shift. 

    Completed the container work I’ve been doing for the last few weeks (has it been that long?), all my testing went well today. 

    Started working on host work, to get some hosts ready for maintenance. 

    Finished watching the last episode of Jessica Jones season 2. Apparently I hadn’t _quite_ finished the season. 

    Started watching Agents of Shield season 5. It starts out with a good twist on what’s happened so far. 

    After work, we ate dinner, then we went to put my car at the underground garage at work. There might be hail coming. 

    When we got home, our internet was out, so I rebooted all the things, then exercised. 

    We also watched Jumanji The Next Level together tonight. Fun.

    Time for bed. 

    (Visited 33 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Health, Linux, Me, Movies, Technology, TV, Work | No Comments »


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