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    Slept, Health, Groceries Not Groceries, Star Citizen

    By Derek | April 12, 2020

    A good Sunday. (12th)

    Slept in. Exercised when I got up, though. 

    We all left the house to go put gas in the car, and see if Costco was open. They were not. We played a little Pokémon while we were out. Stopped by our local “essentials” store to put gas in and buy some junk food, I mean essential groceries. 

    Ate dinner, then played Star Citizen for a few hours. 

    Had to go to bed early to get up early, we have a trip to River City Produce planned for the morning. 

    (Visited 28 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Games, Health, Me, Star Citizen | No Comments »


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