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    Produce, Tacos, Shopping, Health

    By Derek | April 13, 2020

    A good Monday. (13th) 

    We got up early to run to River City Produce. We picked up some fruits and veggies for ourselves, and some potatoes for our BBQ restaurant owner friend. While our younger son and I were waiting in the car I colored a page on Jill’s iPad. (pic)

    On the way back to the house, we grabbed some breakfast tacos, then dropped off the potatoes with our friend. 

    Next we went and did our bi-weekly shopping at Costco. We got everything we needed. 

    After that, we made a quick trip to Academy to buy some more essential sporting goods. I also picked up an all-metal horseshoes game, in case we want to play outside during lockdown, or later, during a zombie apocalypse. 

    Our niece came over to pick up her PS3 and PS4 after I got them working again. 

    I logged onto work briefly to set up a Slack channel for our Spring into Motion team. My work is running a contest for teams to log their steps. Alternatively, you can do other exercises, and it will convert it to a step count, as well. I started a team last week, and got a few of my coworkers to join. 

    Once that was done, I got my exercise done for the day. I tried doing some on the elliptical, but I hadn’t realized how difficult it would be compared to recumbent biking. 

    Of course, after I was done exercising, our heater came on, because it was starting to get cold outside. In April. 

    We took our older son to work, it was a really long night for him, since they’d had Easter Sunday off. 

    On the way home, he let me know he’s hosting a couple of Ark servers. 

    Time for bed. 

    (Visited 23 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Health, Me, Photos | No Comments »


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