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    Dr, Work, WRFQ803, Duolingo, Mac

    By Derek | April 16, 2020

    A good Thursday. (16th)

    Got up and went to my doctor’s office. I wore a mask, and everyone else there was wearing a mask, too. I went to get my blood drawn, before my routine appointment next week. 

    Regular work day for me. 

    Big news today, though, I received my GMRS class FCC license and call sign today. I don’t have my radios yet, but my call sign is WRFQ803, pronounced Whiskey-Romeo-Foxtrot-Quebec-Eight-Zero-Tree. Here’s a cool diagram of the letters:

    Military Phonetic Alphabet
    Military Phonetic Alphabet

    Our younger son and I have been doing Duolingo again. I’m up to an 11 day streak so far. He started a few days before me, so he’s at something like 14 days. It’s a good challenge for him!

    My dad got his new iPad yesterday, and but he wasn’t able to restore his previous iPad backup to it, something to do with changing his Apple ID email last year. Bummer. He let me know that he had the idea today to restore his current iPhone 6 backup to it, which gets him most of everything he wanted, minus a few things he can add, so that’s cool. 

    Once he got into it, he found out that Dropbox went back on their promise, and now only allow three devices on the Basic Plan. That’s never been what they promised, and it still makes me angry that they changed it. 

    I had been personally recommending Dropbox for over a decade and it just stings that you get demoted to 3 devices (no matter how many you were allowed before) when you try to upgrade or add a new device now, because they changed their terms. Dropbox grants you space for each referral, and I successfully earned nearly 10G of space. Personally, I had 5 devices (as did my Dad today) and I had to remove two devices, to stay under the new limit, to add a new one. 

    I know it’s a first world problem, for sure, but it feels slimy on their part, and it makes me not want to support their business model. 

    That’s OK, I’m migrating my important stuff out of Dropbox. I really don’t need 2TB of Dropbox space for $10 a month. Between iCloud, Google Drive, MegaSync, and Box. If Dropbox had a $3 or $4 a month plan, they’d get some of my money. I mean, Microsoft Office 365 is $10 a month, and that’s the family plan, you get other users, and cloud space, plus the entire Microsoft Office suite. 

    I went through my work Mac today, and worked on upgrading my 32-bit apps. I’d like to upgrade it to macOS 10.15 at some point, but Catalina doesn’t support 32-bit apps. 

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