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Work, Muffins, TV, PlayStation
By Derek | April 29, 2020
A good Wednesday. (29th)
I need to get better at posting every day.
Regular work day for me. Working on re-kicking some hosts in one of our APAC regions.
Jill made banana bread muffins.

They were yummy!
Watched a couple of episodes of Agents of SHIELD, season 5. Haven’t yet seen how $REDACTED saves the team.
Sorry, didn’t want to spoiler it for y’all.
My PlayStation controller came in, so I fired up my borrowed PS4, and proceeded to try out Nathan Drake Uncharted. I started with the first game, played for a bit, then we had to take our older son to work and back.
I got through Chapter 4 before bed.
Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Games, Me, Photos, TV, Work | No Comments »
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