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    Mileage, Pokemon, Dinner, Movie

    By Derek | May 3, 2020

    A good Sunday. (3rd)

    Slept in. 

    Got up and worked on my mileage for SofTouch Systems, so that we can complete our 2019 taxes. At some point, I’ll have to work on getting the business receipts together. 

    Is the ‘s’ or the ‘c’ in scent silent? 

    We left the house to go play some Pokémon. Drove up to New Braunfels, to Landa Park. While we didn’t get out of the car, we saw plenty of people out and about, in the park, enjoying the beautiful day, and weather. As far as we could tell, they were practicing good social distancing. We couldn’t stay as long as we wanted, since we had to come back to San Antonio to pick our older son up to take him to work. 

    After we dropped him off, we went to Dairy Queen to get dinner. It’s been so long since I’ve eaten at a DQ. We ended up with chicken & gravy baskets and small blizzards, which we took home to eat. Getting through the drive-thru took about 30 minutes, though. 

    After taking our older son home again, we finally watched Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. I had been putting it off, ‘cause I was worried it would be disappointing, especially after The Last Jedi. 

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker / International Poster

    I was pleasantly surprised, I really liked it. I felt like the did a great job tying up all the loose ends for the past ~40 years. One thing that was really cool was the “voices” scene — I won’t spoil it if you haven’t seen it. Also, there’s a specific voice missing, that we didn’t see in the credits. 

    Went to bed way too late. 

    (Visited 53 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Games, Me, Movies | No Comments »


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