Work, Costco, Supplies, RedBox, Dinner
Tuesday, March 24th, 2020A good Tuesday. (24th) Regular work day for me, I was able, with our engineers’ help, to get my issue I’ve been working on solved! It took me three full days, but I have a much better handle on our container software, CI (continuous integration) system, packaging system, image build system, and dev environment. All […]
Work Schedule, Stay Home, Prepared, Family, Movie
Monday, March 23rd, 2020A busy Monday. (23rd) Today is my first day at work this week, since I’m working a Mon-Fri schedule temporarily to mirror one of our systems engineers schedules, who’s departing the company. Worked with him, and the other Ops engineer who’s doing training with him this week. We read that Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff […]
Busy Day, ContentID
Monday, September 30th, 2019A good Monday. (30th) Woke up early to go downtown to take care of some stuff. Was down there for quite a bit longer than we anticipated, but we got all of our errands run. Got home just in time for the delivery of our RackerGamer Game Day shirts for this year. They look great. […]
Of speeding fines
Monday, October 25th, 2010So, this morning I had a spirited discussion, that is to say, debate with several of my fellows on the topic of speeding fines. One gentleman was adamant that “everyone speeds, so when it’s your turn to pay up, you just do it”… and that by choosing not to pay, I was instead destroying the […]
PI License Required To Perform PC Repair In Texas
Wednesday, July 9th, 2008As this potentially affects part of my job, I thought I would try to stay on top of it.