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    Work, TV, Food

    By Derek | October 26, 2019

    A good Saturday. (26th)

    Regular work day for me. 

    Finished Agents of Shield, season 4. They really cranked up the heat with the Aida character. 

    Had some chicken wings that Jill brought home from Smokin Joes last night for lunch. I confess, I normally prefer chicken strips, but these were really good. There’s something primal about eating chicken wings (or chicken in general) that you don’t get from strips. It reminds you that you’re a meat-atarian. 

    Earlier in the day Jill and my younger son went downtown with some friends to check out the Día de Muertos celebration. After I got off work, we tried going back down there, but it was crazy, and parking was awful, so we just left. One of the pitfalls of working until 7p on a Saturday.

    After we came back from downtown, we decided to take our younger son to Arctic Ape. It’s a local dessert place that’s excellent. He had previously been participating in the Book It program, that lets you earn Pizza Hut pizza for reading books. Now that he’s aged out of that program, Jill and I decided to “continue” it with local places. He picked Arctic Ape. 

    Jill and I started Marvel’s Iron Fist. It’s pretty good so far. Watched too many episodes before bed, good thing I don’t have to work tomorrow. 

    (Visited 36 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Me, TV, Work | No Comments »


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