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    RackerGamers, Extra Life, XBox, Riverwalk

    By Derek | November 1, 2019

    A good Friday. (1st)

    Took off work today to help setup for Game Day tomorrow. Our younger son went with to help setup, and we started about 9:30am. He was a good help throughout the day.

    We made a run to CostCo to get snacks for the volunteers, and then to Harbor Freight to pick up some cushy floor mats, to lay out in the tabletop area of the event.

    One of the things that needed done was setting up two new tables to run our point of sale system. RackerGamers’ CEO (Arthur) picked up a couple of Amazon Fire HD8 tablets for this purpose. Of course, the Square POS software isn’t available in the Amazon Appstore, but it’s easy enough to “side load” the Google Play Store and install it. Easy peasy.

    So, we got that done, and got the event space mostly setup. We had a good amount of volunteers helping to set up the space.

    Then Arthur left and came back with a brand new 4K XBox & TV, and asked me if I could get that all set up as well. The XBox came with a 30 day trial for GamePass, so I got a bunch of different games installed from different genres so that people can try out a bunch of stuff. This will be our organizations first “fleet” console.

    I left the setup when we were done around 5pm, but by the time we got home (it’s not very far) our younger son wasn’t feeling well. He’s been forgetting to take his allergy medicine, and this feels like what normally happens when he forgets for a while. 

    Jill and I went down to the riverwalk, our younger son stayed home with our niece so that he could sleep. We went downtown to watch a river parade, but were very disappointed in it, and the new way they are treating visitors to La Villita. Sad.

    Got home, loaded the cooler with waters, made sure all my games were up to date on my PC and XBox, and then disassembled my PC before bed. Getting to bed a bit later than I wanted tonight, as I need to get up at 6am tomorrow, to get to the event early so that I can get the check-in and the merchandise table set up before people get there.

    (Visited 29 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: ExtraLife, Family, Friends, Me, Microsoft, RackerGamers, Technology | No Comments »


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