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    Late Entry, Extra Life

    By Derek | November 3, 2019

    A good Sunday. (3rd)

    Yesterday was Extra Life Game Day. 

    Got up early to finish packing our computers and stuff for game day. My younger son wasn’t feeling well, so I left him home to sleep a bit. 

    Went to Rackspace to take part in this year’s RackerGamers event. Got set up and played games for many, many hours. The event started at 8am. Did some volunteering at the beginning of the event to get everything set up before I started setting up my PC & XBox. 
    After 11am, went back home to pick up my younger son, pack his computer and bring it up there, too. We ate lunch while we were home. 

    Played some Apex Legends, and some Star Citizen. I also started the campaign for Gears of War 4, I hadn’t played it at all yet. I played almost 7 hours of that. After that, played some Destiny 2 with my buddy Nathan. That was fun. 

    We came home to sleep around 1:30am this morning. 

    Sorry for no update yesterday. I was too tired to last for the entire event. we set the alarm for 4 hours, accounting for the time change. 
    I snoozed my alarm 4 or 5 times, though, so we didn’t get back up there today until around 6am today. Played a bit more Destiny 2, then decided to pack it up. 

    Spent some time volunteering / helping pack up, then came home to sleep, but didn’t end up going to sleep. 

    We ended just vegging for a bit, and then starting a movie to help us not go to sleep. We watched the new Lion King (2019). 
    Included below are some highlights from my gaming sessions.

    (Visited 27 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, ExtraLife, Family, Food, Friends, Games, Me, Microsoft, Movies, RackerGamers, Star Citizen, Technology | No Comments »


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