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    Exercise, Politics, Martial Arts, Pokemon

    By Derek | November 7, 2019

    A good Thursday. (7th)

    Got up to exercise at my regular time. 

    Looks like Texas Prop 4 passed. That will make in very difficult for the legislature to try and foist an income tax on us in the future. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2019/11/06/early-texas-voters-leaning-toward-supporting-ban-on-state-income-tax/

    Regular work day for me. Scheduled some maintenances, and worked to assist others with their documentation product today. 

    Took our younger son to martial arts today. He tested for blue belt today, but struggled getting through one of the main forms. He did not get his blue belt. I’m sure this will motivate him to practice more and earn it next month. Learning how to failIs also a valuable lesson. 

    Played a little bit of Pokémon Go while we were waiting for testing to start. 

    Came home and straightened up the upstairs living room (our TV & game room) as I’m going to have some work friends over tomorrow during the day. 

    (Visited 30 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Games, Health, Me, Politics, Work | No Comments »


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