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    Work, TV, Health

    By Derek | January 25, 2020

    A good Saturday. (25th)

    Got up late today, kept ignoring the alarm clock. Didn’t get to exercise before work.

    Regular work day for me, I get to work on my primary product, performing host evacuations. 

    Started Marvel’s The Punisher today. Looking forward to this one, for sure. 

    After work, exercised. I rode the recumbent bike for almost an hour. I’m trying to rack up enough minutes to earn a special Apple Watch badge this month. 

    While I worked out, Jill, our younger son and I started watching the remaining episodes of Lost In Space season 2. We ended up binging that until past our bedtime, but we finished it. I really liked it. 

    (Visited 25 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Health, Me, TV, Work | No Comments »


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