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    Family, Visit, TV

    By Derek | January 26, 2020

    A good Sunday. (26th) 

    Got up late, didn’t get to exercise before we left. 
    Went to pick up Jill’s sister, then put gas in the car, before we went out to Trader’s Village. 

    Met Jill’s other sister and niece and her kids out there. Hung out for a while visiting, before we left to go out to Floresville to visit Jill’s other sister’s new house. 

    Stayed out there for a while, walked their property a bit, and fed some fish in a fish pond they have. 

    When we left there, we ended up going to Brooks City Base Las Palapas for dinner. 

    Once we got home, I exercised while we started watching the rest of Star Wars Rebels ( https://reelgood.com/show/star-wars-rebels-2014 ) season 4, which is the last season. We stayed up late and finished out the season before bed. 

    (Visited 27 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Health, Me, TV | No Comments »


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