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    Digital Penguins, Work, TV, Movie

    By Derek | February 1, 2020

    A great Saturday. (1st)

    Slept in a bit, didn’t get any exercise done before work. 

    According to Spotify, Digital Penguins had 200% more listeners in January than in December. Yep! Two hundred percent! For a total of three (3) listeners. Woot! 

    Got some good work done on my primary product today. 

    Watched an episode or two of Punisher

    Watched the first episode of The Mandalorian with Jill and my younger son. Liking it so far. His ship reminds me of the Cutlass Black, from Star Citizen.

    Worked out after work, then we had to go run some errands, and play a little Pokémon. 

    Once back, we decided to watch Maleficent 2 as a family, it was really good. 
    Bed time! 

    (Visited 44 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Digital Penguins, Entertainment, Family, Games, Health, Me, Movies, Photos, Star Citizen, TV, Work | No Comments »


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