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    Work, Minecraft, TV, Robotics, Dinner

    By Derek | April 30, 2020

    A good Thursday. (30th)

    Regular work day for me. Got some good work done on my primary product, working to re-kick older hosts there still. 

    Also, my team had a culture event where we all logged onto a Minecraft server and played. This is the 2nd one, it’s pretty cool. We had some people hanging out in our Zoom meeting who weren’t interested in Minecraft, so they were visiting each other’s Animal Crossing islands. Cool. 

    Watched another episode of Agent of Shield, season 5. 

    Jill tore down our Robotics field that we had set up in the front room. This season, Vex has increased the size of the field, so we need to buy more parts for it. 

    Took our older son to work, then went to go check out Chuy’s. I had heard they were open for curbside, but unfortunately by the time we got there (10 minutes after 8pm) they were already closed. So we took our business to Las Palapas. Took our to-go food home and ate, then after a bit, went to pick our son up from work. 

    Once we got back, Jill and I worked on getting the “field elements” from this years’ Robotics game separated into bags. 

    Time for bed. 

    (Visited 29 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Games, Me, Robotics, Technology, TV, Work | No Comments »


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