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    Labs, Pokemon, Heroforge, Instant Pot

    By Derek | January 13, 2020

    A great Monday. (13th)

    Went to have my routine blood draw first thing this morning. My doctor checks up on me every six months. 

    Played a bunch of Pokémon Go with Jill today. Jill’s sister also came along, we played for several hours. Our younger son came along begrudgingly. We ate lunch at Schlotzskys.

    Visited the Printed Meeple and created a Heroforge character mini to 3D print. We spent a bit of time there, creating my character. I left the digital file with them to print.

    Jill also needed to get a part she had printed re-printed with supports. Clay at Meeple agreed to print it for her again, since supports weren’t added by them to begin with.

    Came home and made Instant Pot tacos. Of course, we didn’t have any hard shells, or tortillas, so we just put it on tortilla strip chips, on a plate. 

    Watched Clueless, then re-watched Stargate with Jill before bed.

    (Visited 343 times, 1 visits today)

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