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Friday, September 6th, 2019A good Friday (6th) Worked today. Getting back into the groove of it. Pretty quiet day. Not too much going on. Dinner tonight at Big Lou’s Pizza with some friends from work that have been out of town for a while. Good fun!
Work, Email, Pokemon
Wednesday, September 4th, 2019A good Wednesday. (4th) Today was my first day back at work. Doctor has me WFH for 3 weeks, pending evaluation. Mostly worked to catch up on email. I was ~1500 emails unread, I work 4 days a week, I was out for 3 weeks… so, about 125 emails a day behind. Got through many […]
Wife’s B-Day, Frito Pie, Mexican
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019A good Tuesday. (3rd) Was my wife’s birthday. We went to eat our normal Tuesday lunch, BBQ Frito Pie. I split mine with our family friend, since I can’t eat a whole one anymore. That’s a good thing, right? After lunch, another friend joined us, and we (myself, younger son, and two family friends) played […]
Loafing, Music, MUA3
Monday, September 2nd, 2019A good Monday. (2nd) Holiday for most everyone else. Glad y’all joined me in loafing. ?w00t! Apple has recognized me as the “manager” of Digital Penguins, my one-man band. Give it a listen, if you haven’t. Watched a bit more of Daredevil s2 today. Played Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 with my younger son and our […]
Sunday, September 1st, 2019A good Sunday. (Sept. 1st) Pretty much played Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 all day with my son. Seriously, ~9 hours straight of it. Made some good progress. Unlocked something like 20 of the characters. Gonna get RSI if I’m not careful. ? Watched the final two Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. That finishes up season 2, […]
MUA3, Nostalgia
Saturday, August 31st, 2019A good Saturday. (31st) Watched a bit of Daredevil season 2. Watched a bunch of The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes with my younger son. It’s not currently available for streaming. We finished season 1 a while back, so we’re watching season 2. My 2nd Pro controller, PowerA Enhanced Wireless Controller came in for my Switch, so I […]
TOOL, Timeline, Walking
Friday, August 30th, 2019A good Friday. (30th) Watched my younger son play some Galaxy on Fire on his iPad, then watched a movie with him. The new TOOL album, Fear Inoculum, came out today. Listened to it, I’ll have it on again when I go to sleep. It’s a bit more mellow than previous albums. Finished Jessica Jones season […]
MCU, ReelGood
Thursday, August 29th, 2019A good Thursday. (29th) Finished Daredevil season 1. Still intent on watching the MCU shows in chronological order, per … so, I started Jessica Jones season 1. Also, using the app to track my TV and movie watching. It’s neat. Got a great get well card today, signed by all my friends at work. Very cool! Jessica […]
Doc, Brawlhalla, Win10
Wednesday, August 28th, 2019A good Wednesday. Had my 2nd post-op doctor appointment. Doc says I don’t have to bandage my wound anymore. So that’s definitely a good thing. Played a bunch of Switch demos that I had downloaded with my younger son. Then we moved over to Brawlhalla and played that for a few hours. Once we got […]
Daredevil, Knight Rider
Tuesday, August 27th, 2019A good Tuesday. Sorry for no update yesterday. Was a good day. Today, watched more Daredevil season 1. Also completed season 1 of Knight Rider with my son. That’s all the episodes I own, so we started the pilot for The Six Million Dollar Man. That’s a show I’ve never seen in order before, so […]
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