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Monday, September 8th, 2008I’ve been helping my wife set up her web store so that she can sell jewelry on-line. We’ve been working on the store for a few weeks, and it’s now ready to go. Check it out! The store is powered by Zen Cart, which seems pretty nice. Buy something for your Significant Other!
Stayed Home Today
Tuesday, August 12th, 2008Last night I had sharp pains in my abdomen, on the lower right side. Jill and I were thinking it was my appendix, so we went to the Texas Med Clinic. The doctor informed us that if it was my appendix, I would know soon enough, but that there weren’t any real tests, other than […]
4e DnD, Third-Party Character Sheets.
Saturday, July 26th, 2008I found some great third-party 4e character sheets on the web. You can get them from here: Of course, you’ll have to have an account there to download them. Otherwise you can download them directly from here: 1.8MB Zip I have also created a Role Playing Sheet using Shado’s style. My created sheet […]
4e DnD, Good Fun At Fallcrest!
Saturday, July 26th, 2008Well, we played 4e DnD last night. I must say, the combat moves much quicker than 3e used to. David ran our game, and Stephen brought his son. With myself and my son in the game, we had 4 player characters, so David decided to throw an NPC in with us, just to help balance. […]
DnD 4e
Saturday, July 19th, 2008Last night my friend David came over, and we made Dungeons and Dragons 4e characters. He had already made one, so he kinda knew the drill, but it was my first one. We also helped my son, Austin, make one, too. I created a male Eladrin Wizard named Valaar. Austin made a male Dragonborn Warlord. […]
Added Mobile Version of
Monday, July 14th, 2008This evening I’ve setup a mobile version of my blog. To view it, point your mobile’s browser at my URL ( Let me know if it doesn’t work for you!
Dear Steve Jobs, The 3G Launch Sucked
Friday, July 11th, 2008Dear Steve Jobs, Next time you have the chance, kick someone over at AT&T for me. Thanks. Then kick yourself for allowing AT&T to dictate how you sell product. Thanks. Wow… purchasing an iPhone 3G was so not the experience I expected from Apple.
Apple Store Opening, Northstar
Thursday, July 10th, 2008Thanks, Stephen! Stephen twittered today about the Northstar opening… reminding me that I took a few pictures of the event, and promptly forgot to post them! Check them here.
Wednesday, June 11th, 2008OK, Flickr / sidebars now work perfectly. Also had to fixup the search box, it wasn’t working great either. I added several more nifty plugins, such as one that will post to twitter for me when I publish this and a “lightbox” for the Flickr stuff. Click on one of the photos in the […]
I am now using a service called Twitter. What is Twitter? Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co-workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? Why? Because even basic updates are meaningful to family members, friends, or colleagues especially when […]
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