Games, TV
By Derek | September 15, 2019
A good Sunday. (15th)
Went and drove around for a few hours to play Pokemon Go Community Day for September. This month’s Pokémon was the Turtwig.
Watched some Agents of Shield season 3.
Played some Borderlands 2. I picked “The Handsome Collection” up on a sale a few days ago for $6, it’s back to $60, so I figured I’d play it. It’s quirky and funny. Also, the boss fights are very hard.
Topics: Entertainment, Family, Games, Me, TV | No Comments »
Work, TV
By Derek | September 14, 2019
A good Saturday. (14th)
Regular workday for me, working on my main project.
Watched a couple of episodes of Undone with Jill. It’s certainly intriguing. Completed Daredevil season 2. Agents of Shield season 3 is next.
Topics: Entertainment, TV, Work | No Comments »
Tired, Groggy, Comfy
By Derek | September 13, 2019
Tired Friday (13th)
Didn’t sleep well last night. I wasn’t in any pain, just couldn’t sleep. I’ve never experienced insomnia before, but I would say this is kind of what it feels like. I think I slept maybe 3 hours.
Went to work (WFH) but was having trouble focusing so I called in after a couple of hours and went back to bed. Slept pretty well for about 3 hours, family and house guests did a great job of staying quiet for me.
Once I woke up I was still kind of groggy, so I decided to just read a bit and then watch some YouTube videos that I had saved on my Watch Later list. I prefer to save videos that “might” interest me on that list, instead of watching them right away. Sometimes you get sucked in and can watch hours of YT — but I find that if I add these videos to my list, and come back to them, sometimes I don’t really care about them enough to watch them. Here’s one that I did watch, and thought it was pretty great. Even if you’re not an Apple fan, if you’re a fan of adventure you’ll like it:
I also read about a new Amazon Prime show that will be debuting today, supposedly it’s filmed in San Antonio. The trailer looks pretty interesting to me, I like stories about time travel.
This evening I played a couple quick rounds of Apex, and then switched over to Star Citizen.
I’m fairly comfortable sitting in my office chair (with a pillow under me), I can play for a few hours at least. I do notice that sitting up straight (as opposed to the recliner that I’ve been in for nearly a month) makes me a bit tired after a while. My next doctor appt with my surgeon isn’t until the 25th, I’m hoping he’ll consider me good for some physical therapy, or at least let me start doing my regular stretches and daily workout again.
Topics: Entertainment, Games, Health, Me, TV, Work | No Comments »
Work, RackerGamers, TV
By Derek | September 12, 2019
A good Thursday. (12th)
Today is one month since my surgery.
Regular work day. Getting spun back up on the main project I was working on before I went out for surgery. Also getting spun back up on the secondary part-time project I was working on before.
Worked on several things for RackerGamers today, ordering some custom dice to sell as swag and getting the new t-shirts for Game Day (Nov2) quoted and purchased.
Got to watch a couple more episodes of Daredevil season 2, of course it took me ~5 hours to watch them, cause I tried to watch them during work…
Let the kids play Xbox 360 once I got off work, so I could go in my office and play Apex Legends. Played a few rounds as Wraith, then switched to Gibraltar, so I can start learning a second.
Topics: Entertainment, Family, Games, Health, Me, RackerGamers, TV, Work | No Comments »
9/11, Frost Bank Time, Work
By Derek | September 11, 2019
A good Wednesday. (11th, never forget, where were you?)
Had a conversation about old stuff. Old stuff including making phone calls for directory assistance, movie times, etc. Then we remembered Frost Bank Time. Turns out, it’s still going. Seriously. 80 years and still going strong. ( ) (210) 226-3232. So, of course, we had to call it. We introduced our younger son to some crazy old stuff today. I added to my phone’s contacts. You know, just in case.
MacRumors dropped a 7 minute video summarizing the Apple Event yesterday, if you don’t have time to watch the full event.
Regular work day for me.
Topics: Apple, Entertainment, Family, Me, Technology, Work | No Comments »
Apple, Frito Pie, Robotics, RackerGamers
By Derek | September 10, 2019
A good Tuesday. (10)
Went to bed too late last night, so got up late. Watched much of the Apple Event before leaving the house for our weekly Tuesday lunch.
New iPhones, new Watches and an updated iPad were announced, as well as clarifications & pricing on a couple of new services from Apple — AppleTV+ (tv shows & movies made by Apple Studios) and Apple Arcade (monthly sub for 100+ iOS, iPad, AppleTV & Mac games). Neat. Yep, I’m that guy who still gets excited by Apple Keynotes.
Lunch: BBQ Frito Pie. Yum.
This afternoon our weekly robotics club met for the first time this season. We had some good interest from a couple of new families.
After that, no stopping, rolled right into our irregularly scheduled RackerGamers board meeting this evening. Got some good stuff done, including working out a few first steps towards our annual Game Day (Nov 2nd).
Was nearly ready for bed, but had to play a couple of rounds of Apex.
Got around pretty well today, even navigated the stairs three or four times. It’s getting easier.
Topics: Apple, Entertainment, Food, Games, Health, Me, RackerGamers, Robotics, Technology | No Comments »
XBox360, XBoxOne, Walker
By Derek | September 9, 2019
A good Monday. (9th)
Watched the kids play Xbox most of the day. Played some with them. Goat Simulator, Castle Crashers, and some Aegis Wing. They like the 360, because that’s the console we have the most controllers for, so four people can play at once.
I did have my younger son help me set up my Xbox One for a few minutes, but we ended up taking it down because of the controller situation. I only have two controllers for it.
I’ve been getting around without my walker pretty well these days. Still mostly staying homebound, but I’m moving around quite a bit.
Topics: Entertainment, Games, Health, Me | No Comments »
TV, Goats, DCU
By Derek | September 8, 2019
A good Sunday. (8th)
Our family friend helped us get the guest room TV mounted on the wall. We bought it from my parents when they moved to AZ last year, but hadn’t hung it up yet. Now it’s done. Then he packed up and headed out. He’ll be back sometime next year, we think.
Our niece, who’s selling her house, came to stay with is for a bit. Her kids and dog are all here, it’s been noisy but fun. Got to hang out with the kids and play Goat Simulator for a while. Hilarious.
We got a new dryer today, but we’re not ready to install it just yet. We think it has a side port, or is convertible, so that we can finally push the dryer back against the wall like it’s supposed to be.
Started a DC Universe character on Switch this evening, just to check it out. Seems ok, but I really can’t wait to get back to playing Star Citizen regularly.
Topics: Entertainment, Family, Games, Home Improvement, Me | No Comments »
By Derek | September 7, 2019
An ok Saturday. (7th)
Worked today. I’m still on my Wed-Sat schedule. Had some issues with a machine I was working on… something that should have taken about 3 hours ended up taking almost my whole shift, and I work a 10 hour shift. It’s a good thing nothing else critical popped up. Got it done, though.
Watched some Synchronizerz fool around on the newly released star ship in the game Star Citizen. That’s the organization (think clan or guild from other MMOs) I belong to in game and we were celebrating reaching 1,700 members. Pretty amazing. The new ship is very cool, as well. By the time I was done working, the event was over, but apparently subscribers get access to the newly released ships for the first week they are available, so I was able to log into the game and play around with one for a couple of hours before bed.
Topics: Entertainment, Games, Work | No Comments »
Work, Big Lou’s
By Derek | September 6, 2019
A good Friday (6th)
Worked today. Getting back into the groove of it.
Pretty quiet day. Not too much going on.
Dinner tonight at Big Lou’s Pizza with some friends from work that have been out of town for a while. Good fun!
Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Friends, Me, Work | No Comments »