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Thursday, April 23rd, 2020A good Thursday. (23rd) Regular workday. Performing re-kicks. Exercised after work. I’m still slackin’ on getting up early, most days. Took our older son to work, then ate dinner, then brought him back to his house. Jill and I watched Disney’s The Black Hole after that with our younger son. Time for bed.
Missed, Work, Duolingo, Movie
Saturday, April 18th, 2020A quiet Saturday. (18th) Realized that I didn’t write a journal entry on Friday (yesterday). I’ve been doing well at writing every day, but I missed yesterday. It was a regular work day for me. My GMRS radios came in, early, and I was able to get them set up. They were not scheduled to be […]
Health, Work, Rations, Eggs, Movie
Tuesday, April 14th, 2020A good Tuesday. (14th) Slept in, then exercised first thing. Logged onto work in the early afternoon to help with a migration in our Sydney datacenter. It’s technically one of my days off, but my coworker could use the help, and honestly, I prefer being involved in things like this anyway. The migration went well. […]
Alarm, Work, TV, Weather, Movie
Saturday, April 11th, 2020A good Saturday. (11th) Regular work day for me. Of course, I forgot to set my alarm, so Jill woke me up a couple of minutes after 9am. I was logged on by 10 after — that whole WFH thingy — and ill stay a few minutes late on my shift. Completed the container work […]
Work, Movie, Health, PS4
Friday, April 10th, 2020A quiet Friday. (10th) Regular workday for me. Finally (with help from my coworkers) was able to solve the major issue with our container deployments. Now it’s a “simple” matter of deploying the changes to the other regions, and test, test, test. Turns out, deploying to each region is a very time consuming process, as […]
Work, iPad, Movie
Saturday, April 4th, 2020A good Saturday. (4th) Regular work day for me. I do have that free PTO day coming up next Wednesday, so that will give me a little bit of extra weekend. Just been feeling kind of blah, lately. Felt pretty good yesterday digging into the internals of my primary product, but still haven’t been able […]
Work, Solar, No Python, Training, Movie
Wednesday, April 1st, 2020April Fools Day. (1st) Regular work day for me. Got up at a good time, and got my exercise done. Our solar panel got delivered today, sweet! Suaoki 100W Foldable Solar Panel. I can’t wait to go outside to test it out. Had to cancel our second Python Meetup in a row. Of course, this […]
Slept, Health, Customer, Chiptunes, Office, Movie
Monday, March 30th, 2020A good Monday. (30th) Slept in. When I got up, I exercised first thing. Still staying on that every day, regardless of if I do it in the morning or not. Currently, my streak is since Sept. 29th of last year. I broke my current exercise streak when I hurt myself and needed surgery, but […]
Work, Costco, Supplies, RedBox, Dinner
Tuesday, March 24th, 2020A good Tuesday. (24th) Regular work day for me, I was able, with our engineers’ help, to get my issue I’ve been working on solved! It took me three full days, but I have a much better handle on our container software, CI (continuous integration) system, packaging system, image build system, and dev environment. All […]
Work Schedule, Stay Home, Prepared, Family, Movie
Monday, March 23rd, 2020A busy Monday. (23rd) Today is my first day at work this week, since I’m working a Mon-Fri schedule temporarily to mirror one of our systems engineers schedules, who’s departing the company. Worked with him, and the other Ops engineer who’s doing training with him this week. We read that Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff […]
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