« Previous EntriesNext Entries »Apple, Frito Pie, Robotics, RackerGamers
Tuesday, September 10th, 2019A good Tuesday. (10) Went to bed too late last night, so got up late. Watched much of the Apple Event before leaving the house for our weekly Tuesday lunch. New iPhones, new Watches and an updated iPad were announced, as well as clarifications & pricing on a couple of new services from Apple — […]
Knight Rider, iPad Air3
Thursday, August 22nd, 2019A good Thursday. Spent some time in the afternoon watching TV with my younger son. We’re still watching the original Knight Rider season 1. More Agents of Shield season 2 after that. Lots going on this season, almost too much. Looking at the MCU timeline, it looks like I need to watch Daredevil season 1 […]
Tarantino and Hatch sliders
Sunday, August 18th, 2019Good day today. Watched several movies, still catching up on ‘70s Westerns. Also hung out with a couple of friends, and watched The Hateful Eight. Tarantino, nuff said. Good food today, Jill spoiled me with hatch sliders with hatch bacon, hatch Monterey Jack, hatch guacamole on a hatch bun, with a side of hatch pork […]
New iPad ordered
Saturday, August 17th, 2019Pretty good day today. Been walking more and more as I can, to work on getting mobile. It’s getting easier. Got caught up on The Expanse (through Season 3) and started watching Agents of Shield. Got my younger son’s new iPad ordered. There’s a sale on the Air 3s on B&H right now. It took […]
Upgrading my MacPro
Monday, June 4th, 2018I upgraded my 2009 Mac Pro to High Sierra today. What’s that, you say? High Sierra only supports 2010 and up Mac Pros? Hah. The Internet delivers.
Home Automation with HomeBridge
Monday, March 14th, 2016I found a cool project called Homebridge; it lets you bridge Apple’s HomeKit (and therefor Siri) to home automation items that aren’t natively HomeKit compatible. tl;dr I have my WeMo lights and my Craftsman AssureLink garage door opener added to my HomeKit configuration, along with my HomeKit native Ecobee 3 (which is not actually discussed […]
YouTube on AppleTV2
Monday, March 14th, 2016tl;dr: To get YouTube working on your AppleTV2, Install Plex Media Server, then PlexConnect (or OpenPlex if you have a Mac), then the updated YouTube channel. Continue reading for more detailed instructions. After Google & Apple disabled the YouTube app on my AppleTV2, I’ve just been sending YouTube videos over Airplay to it. My dad, however, was very […]
App Updates On A Schedule
Sunday, July 3rd, 2011This is a Mac-specific tip, if you don’t have a Mac, it might just be an interesting read for you. For the software that’s not available yet through the Mac App Store, use AppFresh. I have been using AppFresh for over a year, so I don’t worry that it’s still a Development Preview. Continue reading […]
AT&T, Tethering, Data and my other devices
Wednesday, March 9th, 2011So, today I bit the bullet and gave up my iPhone 5GB “unlimited” data plan with AT&T. Previously, I was grandfathered into the “unlimited” plan, from the early days of the original iPhone. I looked back at my data usage since I upgraded to my iPhone 4, and only once have I gone over 1GB. […]
Dear Steve Jobs, The 3G Launch Sucked
Friday, July 11th, 2008Dear Steve Jobs, Next time you have the chance, kick someone over at AT&T for me. Thanks. Then kick yourself for allowing AT&T to dictate how you sell product. Thanks. Wow… purchasing an iPhone 3G was so not the experience I expected from Apple.
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