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    Health, TV, Pokemon, Food

    Sunday, February 2nd, 2020

    A good Sunday. (2nd) Slept In a bit this morning, then got up and exercised. I’ve also been doing 100 curls with some 3 lb. weights, for the last few weeks while I ride the recumbent bike. Yesterday I moved up to 5 lb. weights. You wouldn’t think that would make that much of a […]

    Digital Penguins, Work, TV, Movie

    Saturday, February 1st, 2020

    A great Saturday. (1st) Slept in a bit, didn’t get any exercise done before work.  According to Spotify, Digital Penguins had 200% more listeners in January than in December. Yep! Two hundred percent! For a total of three (3) listeners. Woot!  Got some good work done on my primary product today.  Watched an episode or […]

    DMVx2, Art, Cookies, Star Citizen

    Monday, January 27th, 2020

    A good Monday. (27th) Slept in, then went and ran a few errands. I had to renew my driver’s license, it was set to expire on my birthday next month. I had to obtain my birth certificate, since I didn’t have a copy. I previously ordered one from Idaho, but then my dad found one […]

    Birthday, Urban Air, Pokemon, Star Citizen

    Saturday, January 11th, 2020

    A great Saturday. (11th)  Slept in. I took today off from work so that we could spend the day with my younger son, as it’s his birthday.  Jill and I took him to Urban Air to play. A couple of his friends met him there, and they had some good fun.  We ordered pizza for […]

    Slept, Synch, Pokemon, Movie

    Saturday, December 28th, 2019

    A good Saturday. (28th)  Slept in a bit this morning. Last night after we went to bed it was a bit chaotic with the dogs, and we actually didn’t get to fall asleep until after 3am.  Prepared for an org event today, for Synchronizerz https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/SYNCH. CIG released a new ship, the Argo Mole, a multicrew […]

    Robotics, XBox, Star Citizen, MIB

    Saturday, December 14th, 2019

    A great Saturday. (14th) We had a Robotics competition today. Got up early to drive to St Hedwig this morning, to a location for the competition. It started at 8am, and pretty much went through 4pm. We had a bunch of fun, but didn’t win any trophies. A couple of the boys came back to […]

    Exercise, Robotics, Pisces, Movie

    Tuesday, December 10th, 2019

    A good Tuesday. (10th) Exercised first thing this morning. Our robotics teams are getting close to our first competition this season, it’s this Saturday, the 14th. Due to that, we had two robotics meetings last week, and we’re having two this week as well. Our robotics families got here around 10:30a (normal meeting time is […]

    Breakfast, Family, Star Citizen

    Saturday, November 30th, 2019

    A good Saturday. (30th) Exercised first thing this morning. Went to breakfast at IHOP with my parents, and my brother’s widow, her 3 youngest kids, and one of her older ones and his wife and kid. It was a great time. Came back to the house, and played some Star Citizen. Become a Star Citizen […]

    Late Entry, Extra Life

    Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

    A good Sunday. (3rd) Yesterday was Extra Life Game Day.  Got up early to finish packing our computers and stuff for game day. My younger son wasn’t feeling well, so I left him home to sleep a bit.  Went to Rackspace to take part in this year’s RackerGamers event. Got set up and played games […]

    Lunch, Robotics, Star Citizen, Heroes

    Tuesday, October 29th, 2019

    A good Tuesday. (29th) Normal (crazy) Tuesday for us.  Had an errand to run this morning, had to pick up lunch to go.  Robotics was kind of crazy today. We had multiple kids just doing their own thing, which wasn’t always on task.  Martial arts for the younger one after that. Back home. Salad for dinner, […]

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